My Downloads!
My songs are now available on my downloads page. Please check out my daughter Jamie Perlow’s new website jamieperlow.com, listen to her great music, and watch her live videos.
My Dear friend Dion just released a new CD called “ Tank Full Of Blues”, and a new book called “Dion The Wanderer Talks Truth”. Both are great and you can find them at www.diondimucci.com
Suzi Quatro!
I just reconnected with a great gal from my band days. Suzi Quatro. She has a new CD called "In The Spotlight" and a book called "Unzipped". She is a fantastic talent. Check here for all things "Suzi" at www.suziquatro.com
Vicki Spencer
To all of my Friends, Family and Fans, this site is dedicated to you.
I really thought I had finished my career and was settled in to the day to day routine of life, when I got a call from my dear friend Dion. He asked me if I had been in touch with Clay Cole lately, because Clay had asked if he knew where to reach me.
I hadn’t spoken to Clay in many years and told Dion that I would love to get in touch with Clay.
He gave me Clay’s website and I e-mailed him right away. He called me within minutes! It was such fun to reminisce about our “Twist” days. We were so young and had so much fun, and it was all legal too!! Who knew that the Web would start everything in motion, and once again, there is an new interest in my Career. Now I am writing copy for my own website, and I would like to thank my webmaster and husband for over 40 years , Harry Perlow, for the great job he did with this exciting site..thanks for all those tedious hours you put in Honey!
Clay introduced me to Denise Ferri (of the Delicates ) and directed me to her site www.jerseygirlssing.com.
I e-mailed her and she was so gracious and kind and very happy to hear from me. We were like old friends in minutes. It seems that she had been talking to Clay about a book that he was writing called "Sh-Boom the Explosion of Rock’ N’ Roll 1953-1968" and my name came up. We are "Twistin’ Sistas’".
I worked with Clay in the Movie, and she was in a traveling show touring all over doing the Twist with Clay. We had some laughs and then she asked if I would do a Radio interview for her site with Ronnie Allen. What a dear Man he is. I haven’t done an interview in years, but with his help it wasn’t long until it all started to come back to me. Remember, most of my Career was from age 13 to 24! I didn’t think I had done so much in such a relatively short time, as far as Careers go. I am now getting requests and many questions about the different directions I took along the way. I guess I got my memory back pretty quickly, the interview took an hour and a half! I could always talk (LOL)!! With much encouragement from Clay, Denise, Ronnie, and my Family, I have decided to put my life and Career on this Website dedicated to all of you. I hope you find it interesting and enjoy the memories of my life. Please check out the links that are here and browse around in the oldies but goodies with Denise and Ronnie at their site.
You could get lost there for hours, I did. I am so very sorry to have to give you all such sad news, but not long after we did the Book signing tour my Dear Friend, Clay Cole passed away. I am still devastated . I will miss his great smile and big heart. He was loved and will be missed. Rest in Peace Clay and God Bless.
I also, like Clay, believe in helping the next generation of talent, even if it is my own Daughter!
Clay, Ronnie, and Denise assured me that I am not just a crazy "Stage Mom", she really can sing! And they are trying to help her.
Here is her website www.jamieperlow.com check it out.
Recently I have had so many requests for my records that I have put some of my music on my “downloads” page. Some are from the Movies and my early career, Some have never been released, and some are from my days in various 60’s bands. I hope you enjoy them. Feel free to e-mail me here with your comments.
Thanks for stopping by and still believing in me after all of these years. Most of all...Keep on Twistin'
Peace and Love,